Mary  Lee Hawes - My sister Barbara has high pressure in her eye and bleeding behind it. She is using eye drops to lower the pressure and she might need eye surgery. Thank you for your prayers
Maria Helm - Dad (Dale Halter) is at the hospital again. Took him in last night for breathing problems, and they are still keeping him to stabilize his blood sugar.
Dorothy Black - My sister Martha Iannelli, in the hospital -found a mass on her pancreas. Asking for prayers, that it is not cancerous. It’s causing much sickness and pain. She is 85 yrs old , she is a child of GOD and a preacher's wife.
Rosabelle - Please pray for Bella. Her kidneys are shutting down.
Candy Newcomb - Steve having double by-pass surgery on August 5th. John Carlton in last stages of brain cancer - peace for family.
Gwen LeVere - Please pray for Paul. Recently diagnosed with bladder cancer. The urologist and oncologist said due to the type of cancer and the location the bladder has to be removed. He's being referred to Shands. Appointment with the surgeon is on Thursday 7/18 at 8am. Needs a PET scan but scheduled for 7/25.
Sandi LoBosco - My cousin Joan desperately needs prayers: I had my surgery with a colon bag, then got infection, went home again was OK then wasn't -  they found blood clots in lungs and left calf and fluid in uterus. Then dizzy, nausea weak. They did uterus  draining took a sample sent out and I just learned today its called "klebsiella" Bacteria. So now I have a drain for uterus, wound vac and colostomy bag. Still in hospital now.
Reta Walker - prayers for my grandaughter, Marissa, diagnosed with uterine cancer, surgery set for August, she has been accepted in nursing school this fall, so this has been overwhelming to her, however she is doing all that is required for her to start classes, pray surgery will go well and good prognosis; my good friend Lee who has dementia, seems very weak, health has deteriorated since loss of her husband; friend Janice with Lou Gehrig disease, health declining, not much family support.
Brett Barrett - My wife Julie need prayers as her health has turned to the worse. Please pray for her. Also my son Tony needs prayers as he is in a hard place right now in his life.
Sandi LoBosco - My friend John still battling pancreatic cancer, Bob Montgomery, my neighbor Rich upcoming colonoscopy SEVERELY anemic and severe COPD.
Cindy Fowler - Jay's son, Andy, passed away. Prayers for his wife, Jenny for healing and recovery.
Lynn Bauer - Right eye cataract surgery on Thursday. Need prayer for calm for me and Ralph.
Steve Newcomb - Upcoming heart cath.
Peter - Living in constant pain, help my doubt and unbelief, I am rededicating to His Lordship.
Mary Lee Hawes - Friend, John  has stage 4 liver cancer, he is a strong man of God, thank you for your prayers.
Carol Kurtz - Pray for my good friend Carl. He has bladder cancer an needs to have surgery to remove his bladder. Please pray for successful surgery on July 8.
Kathy Gould - Please pray for my mom, Eleanor Bowers, 93, in hospice - for an easy passing.  
Pantera - Gary Wandelt, physical healing & 100% restoration in his breathing. For Rob Yarborough - physical healing for his body balance in his sugars.
Unknown - Pray for Hillsborough UMC, Pastor Tanner White age 36 died suddenly on Monday. Left a wife and 2 small children.
Krystale - Prayer for a good job and relief from financial stress and mental illness.
Vicki Kee - My best friend’s mother, Rosa, was hospitalized with double pneumonia. She fell and broke her back. They want to send her to a nursing home, but there are financial complications.  She needs the Favor of God for both healing and finances.
Angela Quinn - Prayers for all the beautiful, dedicated, loving members of our congregation and the friends and family so in need of comfort, peace, and healing! Prayers for the family of a baby girl who was born on May 31,2024 and lived for less than 2 hours....her Celebration of Life service was the most beautiful and saddest thing I have ever experienced, and her family exhibited the most powerful testament in faith I have ever experienced also, yet they still need outpouring of prayer through their grief and healing, even though they are left with a giant hole where that little life would have been as their first child/grandchild/niece/etc.  Prayers for my Savannah as she prepares to attend high school this coming school year, and for her to be placed where she will be best educated and safe! And all the children of this upcoming generation, and those yet to come.
Candy Newcomb - Thank you all for your prayers, my brother Donnie is now in a nursing home for rehab. He is doing much better. My daughter Tori they found a hiatal hernia and they took her off all her meds for acid reflux and nausea and sent her home and within 24 hours she returned to another hospital in so much pain and they found she had a ruptured ovarian cyst. They put her back on her meds and gave her a new diet plan to follow and she is doing much better.
Camille Miketinac- Please be in prayer for my son Harry, who will be having quadruple bypass surgery on June 11th.
Debbie Hoppe - Becca's husband, Ron, taken to the hospital.
Sonia - My friend Andrew having endoscopy - for good results.
Tony - Going through a lot and feel alone and helpless. Please pray.

Tracy - for enough food and a job
Kaitlyn - needs for disabled father and autistic son
Barbara - good results on my PET scan

*Please send your requests in the form below. They will be edited and published new on Monday mornings with additions on Thursday mornings, then cleared and refreshed again with new requests each Monday. There is no need to send multiple requests as the text field will accommodate as many requests as you want to put in.