Dorothy Black - I would like to update about my sister, Martha Lannelli, she has left this world this morning (9-9) to be with JESUS! Thank you all for your prayers. She had a good 85 years of life. Walking a Christian life for the past 60 some years. Just keep the family in prayers. We are rejoicing she is with JESUS.
Cindy Fowler - My niece DeAnn with breast cancer. Already had chemo, double mastectomy & 4 lymph nodes removed, found cancer cells in other lymph. Pray for healing & God's will. 
Reta Walker - Thank you Pastor Bobby for the great message this Sunday, that was message our country and the whole world should hear. Hatred and unforgiveness hurts those the most, who are guilty of it. I have two family members who haven’t spoken to one another for three years, and you are right, it has damaged relationships in whole family.  I’m asking for prayer for them and many others who are experiencing the same thing. I know that God is the answer. Granddaughter Marissa had surgery August 8, pray for strength, comfort, speedy recovery and good report at her next appt August 21, and most of all for this prodigal to come home.
Alyssa Lamascus - Urgent and unspoken prayers for my niece Addison.
Candy Newcomb -  Thank you all for your prayers, Steve is home and recovering.
Carol Kurtz - My friend Carl had his bladder removed because of cancer. Had appointment Friday at Shands hospital in Gainesville for after surgery
check up and tests revealed his cancer has spread. Please pray for healing.
Dorothy Black - Updated : My sister Martha just received notice from her daughter, that she indeed has pancreatic cancer, they give her seven months and they’ve already ordered hospice. She is a child of GOD and her husband is a  pastor, prayers are needed.  For Tony, my son, he is doing well after his liver transplant, but with some complications.
Sandi LoBosco - My cousin Robert suffering for weeks with severe pain after four visits to ER still no answers. Prayers for specialist to find cause.
Anonymous - I would like to pray for my son, who suffers from addiction. I pray that he turns his life over to Jesus, sees his importance in the world,
and makes Jesus the center of his life.
Pam Kedenburg - My niece Brenda, who is in kidney failure. Her heart is also diminished and compromised. This may affect her kidney transplant. She never gives up. She is a believer. Shands will continue to help her. She goes to Halifax for approval this week.
Urgent Request - UPDATE: Gary passed away at 4PM August 1st. Please pray for his family. Original post: please pray for Gary Wandelt and his family. The doctor says it will take a miracle for Gary to last the day and family is traveling to try to get here before he passes.
Sandi LoBosco - Please replace prayer request for cousin Joan, with praise that she is home but I don't have details. Thank you
Mary  Lee Hawes - My sister Barbara has high pressure in her eye and bleeding behind it. She is using eye drops to lower the pressure and she might need eye surgery. Thank you for your prayers
Maria Helm - Dad (Dale Halter) is at the hospital again. Took him in last night for breathing problems, and they are still keeping him to stabilize his blood sugar.
Dorothy Black - My sister Martha Iannelli, in the hospital -found a mass on her pancreas. Asking for prayers, that it is not cancerous. It’s causing much sickness and pain. She is 85 yrs old , she is a child of GOD and a preacher's wife.
Rosabelle - Please pray for Bella. Her kidneys are shutting down.
Candy Newcomb - Steve having double by-pass surgery on August 5th. John Carlton in last stages of brain cancer - peace for family.
Gwen LeVere - Please pray for Paul. Recently diagnosed with bladder cancer. The urologist and oncologist said due to the type of cancer and the location the bladder has to be removed. He's being referred to Shands. Appointment with the surgeon is on Thursday 7/18 at 8am. Needs a PET scan but scheduled for 7/25.

Colyer Family - that we don't have to be out on the street and that we find a new place asap.
Bev - my health
Rhonda - looking for work

*Please send your requests in the form below. They will be edited and published new on Monday mornings with additions on Thursday mornings, then cleared and refreshed again with new requests each Monday. There is no need to send multiple requests as the text field will accommodate as many requests as you want to put in.