SDCC Missions Ministry believes that: The call of missions is to love Jesus in such a way that you don’t need a specific event or place to witness, but that from a heart desiring to see humanity saved, we live every single moment committed to being witnesses of the gospel and it’s transforming power.
Faith Promise is our method of funding the missionary outreach of South Daytona Christian Church. This plan is designed to help you as individuals to become better acquainted with and personally involved in the mission of the church. Christ instructed us in Mark 16:15, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”
No money is taken from the General Fund of the church for missions. Only that money designated by you will go to missions. This is over and above our regular giving to the General Fund. We ask everyone to participate in making a “Faith Promise.” This is not your tithe. This is where you promise to give to missions an amount that will be a challenge for you each year. But through “Faith Promise” giving we launch out in faith, trusting God to provide the money to be given through us. It is a very personal agreement between us and God. We give as God provides the funds. Over the years numerous people have shared exciting stories of how God has blessed them with exactly what they had promised. The Missions Ministry sets a goal each year trusting God to bless us far beyond our expectations. We will let the Holy Spirit work in each heart and see how abundantly God will press us to support missions. As the money is given, the Missions Ministry will oversee the distribution of funds to the missions we support.
Local Missions being supported and/or served by our members:
✞SDCC’s Food Pantry & Assistance with elementary school pantry
✞Resources for Women
✞Palmetto Advocates
✞Jan Murray Ministries
✞Sandwich Ministry
✞SDCC Kidz Club - public school outreach
✞Homeless Coalition
✞Ministries for Christ Outreach /Hand in Hand Outreach
National Missions being supported and/or served:
✞Christian Campus Fellowship @ UF
✞Christian Riders Motorcycle Ministry
✞Family Ministries of Florida
✞Johnson University Florida
✞North FL Christian Service Camp
✞New Life Counseling Center
World Wide Missions being supported and/or served:
✞Casas Por Cristo (Ian Dugger)
✞Central India Christian Mission
✞South Pacific Christian Fellowship
✞Mid-India Christian Mission
✞Good News Productions
✞Haitian Christian Projects
✞HCP Senior Care (Haiti)
✞Herko Family Mission - Jamaica
✞IDES - International Disaster Emergency Service
✞Team Expansion - Kornegays
✞Team Expansion - Arnolds in Ireland
✞Lewis Connections - Berlin
✞Zimbabwe Christian College
For more details and information on these ministries, please ask for a "Mission Book" at the church office.