We really do care about South Daytona and the surrounding communities! We look for ways to help and serve all the time! Below are a few of the constant outreach/ministry programs that we facilitate. In addition, we are a polling place for elections and have Scout groups, Recovery groups and community meetings in our building almost every day of the week! That's what we're here for! These outreach ministries are a great place for people to find community while they serve, too!
The CR group meets every Friday at 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall here at SDCC. This ministry helps anyone who is dealing with a hurt, habit or hangup - and wants to change that situation. Let’s face it, we all have something going on - an addiction, a loss, an unhealthy habit . . . whatever. This is a safe and proven environment to begin healing and change. Join us.
COOKIES!!! Yep, we said it. Coooookieeees, those delicious baked fresh delights and purveyors of joy! Can you smell the goodness?! This ministry blesses first time guests of our services with home delivered baked fresh cookies.
*Bakers and deliverers are alway welcome. This is a wonderful ministry to be involved in as we say "Thanks for worshipping with us! We hope to see you again!."
Our Pastors are here to pray and counsel as needed. Don't hide away in worry, fear, confusion or sadness. We're here for you with caring hearts and many resources to help you navigate the hard times.
Throughout the year we serve our community with various events such as, but not limited to: Back to School Supply Drives for students and teachers, our Light the Night (Oct. 31st Carnival) that thousands in the community attend, Community Easter Egg Hunt, Easter Sunrise Service at the park, Outdoor Movie Nights and much more.
*Naturally, the volunteer opportunities are endless with events and you could also be a part of the team that plans them!
Our Pantry is open every 1st, 3rd, and if there is a 5th Tuesday of the month from 9:00am until 11:00am. Come to the double glass doors on the South side of the building. We work with Second Harvest and other local businesses to provide a nice supplement of a variety of groceries to those in need. There is no requirement or standard to get food. Just come at the times listed above and get checked in.
*There are opportunities to serve by helping to transport, unload, set up, pack food, track clients and give out food!
Our team meets once a month on the 3rd Sunday at 4:00 PM to see to the concerns of the 25+ missions that SDCC supports. Each member of the team is a liaison for a few of these ministries. The team is responsible for educating the church about missions, making opportunities to serve and hosting the annual Faith Promise Rally. We provide communication, prayer and distribution of funds generally and in emergencies to our missionaries. We also guide and support short term mission trips. Sound exciting? It is! Join us!
We try to schedule short term mission trips a couple of times a year to provide the life-changing experience of serving to as many as possible. This pandemic has certainly thrown a wrench into the workings of trips, but we are hopeful to be getting back on track as travel restrictions allow very soon.
We have several teams made up of people from our church (and even friends and family) that prepare and serve meals to the residents of Palmetto House once a month. Palmetto House serves our community by providing a home for those trying to change their lives. Some have been homeless, some incarcerated, some just need a place to get back on their feet. All the residents must have a job and stay living clean. We can always use new teams or new team members!
The Sandwich Ministry gets together every Thursday at 4:30PM to make over 200 PB&Js for the homeless. These sandwich bags that also contain a snack and an inspirational scripture, are handed out by HUM for the weekends when the normal food distribution is not open.
We’ve kind of adopted our neighbor, South Daytona Elementary School, where we try to provide help and support to teachers, staff and students through the school year. Our After School program has been well known for many years. A fairly new and big outreach is through a Bible Club for children every Tuesday afternoon. We bring 100 kids or more over for a time of fun, Bible learning, activities and music. Some of these children really need this extra love and attention from the mentors, and some are being introduced to Jesus for the very first time!
*There are multiple ways to help with this family outreach. Some, of course, are directly working with the children as teachers and helpers, while others plan and prep crafts, snacks, games or monitor transitions. We can always use extra hands. Everyone working in this area is background checked.