Serving our Community
We really do care about South Daytona and the surrounding communities! We look for ways to help and serve all the time! Below are a few of the constant outreach/ministry programs that we facilitate. In addition, we are a polling place for elections and have Scout groups, Recovery groups and community meetings in our building almost every day of the week! That's what we're here for!
Food Pantry
Our Pantry is open every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month from 9:00am until 11:00am. Come to the double glass doors on the South side of the building. We work with Second Harvest and other local businesses to provide a nice supplement of a variety of groceries to those in need. There is no requirement or standard to get food. Just come at the times listed above and get checked in.
Celebrate Recovery
The CR group meets every Friday at 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall here at SDCC. This ministry helps anyone who is dealing with a hurt, habit or hangup - and wants to change that situation. Let’s face it, we all have something going on - an addiction, a loss, an unhealthy habit . . . whatever. This is a safe and proven environment to begin healing and change. Join us.
We’ve kind of adopted our neighbor, South Daytona Elementary School, where we try to provide help and support to teachers, staff and students through the school year. Our After School program has been well known for many years. A fairly new and big outreach is through a Bible Club for children every Tuesday afternoon. We bring 100 kids or more over for a time of fun, Bible learning, activities and music. Some of these children really need this extra love and attention from the mentors, and some are being introduced to Jesus for the very first time!
Serving South Daytona and the surrounding communities
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
Matthew 5:16