Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests

Shawna – Surgery on Wed February 19th goes smoothly with an easy recovery and this is what’s needed to alleviate constant neck and shoulder  pain.
Heidi Russo
– Pray for my husband, Phil.  He underwent a temporal artery biopsy today to diagnose what the doctors think is an inflamed artery.  Very scary and a bit of a road ahead with steroid treatments.
Norma Mortenson – I am in the hospital with congestive heart failure. Please pray.
Pam KedenburgUPDATE: I just want to thank everyone for their prayers for my brother. He passed on Friday. Just please keep his children in prayer. Please pray for my brother Robert’s family. They are finally taking him off hospice and removing all meds and food. I just pray for their salvation.
Lindsey – I feel like there’s something dark on my husband. I can just tell by how he talks and the way he acts. Whatever the Lord places on your heart to pray for him, we do appreciate it.
MaryLee Hawes – My friend Tina has cancer all over her body, she is choosing not to have treatment.  Prayers for her salvation and for her mother and son.
Karen Gray –
prayers for my daughter with addictions.
Diane Golden
– Praise that prayer is working and family is better. Please pray for the procedure on my back on the 8th and right shoulder replacement on 17th.
Sandi LoBosco – My husband, Tom, is having total knee replacement surgery on Wednesday January 8th. Prayers are greatly appreciated for success with no complications and quick recovery. 
Bob and Marcia Montgomery –
son, Robert, has a friend, Clay, in critical condition with sepsis. Please pray for Clay.
Kelly –
prayers for my daughters on the street with drug addictions.
Sandi LoBosco –
John Froman, a former member, who has been in the hospital since Christmas with RSV. He suffers from lung disease that he got from serving our country.
John Zielke –
One of our Elders, Bob Langford, is undergoing a hip replacement surgery. Please join me in praying for him, his family, and all those involved with his care.
Melissa Foley
– Thank-you to everyone who stood in the gap in prayer for my husband’s coworker who had cancer return. Praise she is cancer free after treatment. 
Margo Hunt – Update praise! Thank you Jesus!  Jovie out of ICU yesterday & scheduled to go home today!  Thank you all for your prayers, God is good.
Melissa Foley
– Pray for the Holy Spirit to continue to pour out his Spirit on Mom, pray for complete healing for wound on her heel, for her to be able to progress on her Rehab for her hip replacement, salvation for Jenny, Hayden, Louie, Lyra, Kenny and Gail. Unspoken for Chris, unspoken for me.
Bobby & Cindy Smith – please pray for the Borne family at the passing of Glenn Borne (Bobby’s sister in law’s father).
Margo Hunt –
My friends granddaughter Jovie, 3 yrs old in pediatric ICU with pneumonia. Not responding to medication. God bless you!
– Please pray for Kim, a lady who’s Mother has cancer and Dad has worsening Dementia, and she just lost her dog of 14 years. Please pray for her to have comfort and to be saved.
Pat Rogers – My husband’s cousin is requesting prayer again for Laurie Jones whose lung cancer may have come back. CT scan shows another spot near her trachea. They will not get results until early December.
Lynn – Eye surgery and back pain – healing.
Carolann –
God’s protection as I go across the country in ministry.
Russ Williams –
The combination of the Lou Gehrig’s disease progression as well as the condition of my right hip getting worse and my body is reaction to the infusion medication and the oral medication! So it’s a combo situation can’t win for losing! Lol! In Jesus name
Dot Black – I’m having knee replacement Nov. 18th. Please pray for successful surgery and fast recovery.
Hector –
Prayers for a friend of my aunt who has accepted Jesus – that she will have people guide and pray for her as a new Christian.
Terry –
to figure out our relationship with Christie.
Christina – God’s direction in relationships, job and where to live.

Joan – Back pain.

*Please send your requests in the form below. They will be edited and published new on Monday mornings with additions on Thursday mornings, then cleared and refreshed again with new requests each Monday. There is no need to send multiple requests as the text field will accommodate as many requests as you want to put in.

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