SDC Kidz
The pandemic may have changed many things in our lives. One thing that hasn't changed is God's love for us. At SDCC Kidz, we are committed to loving God's children like Jesus loves them! We are meeting live on the SDCC Campus and streaming our services on Facebook Live. No matter how you interact with our ministry, we are always available for your family.
Children's Ministry
We are doing our best to offer hope and to build faith in our children. Here are a few ways we can offer encouragement:
- Sunday SDCC Kidz Church at 10AM live on the SDCC Campus.
- The Plunge Sunday School time at 9AM live on campus.
- Visit our SDCC Kidz Facebook Page for live-streamed Children’s Church.
- Wednesday SDCC Kidz activities, 6:30-7:30PM. Pizza time ($5) at 6PM happens during the school year.
- Visit our SDCC Kidz Facebook Page for information and announcements as well as talking with our Youth Minister, Trevor Fricke.
- Sign up to receive notifications of new and exciting resources, announcements and activities by texting FUN to (386) 337-3099!

- Nursery for infants & toddlers during Bible Studies
- Sunday School for 3's - Kindergarten
- 1st - 5th meet in The Plunge room for activities
- Nursery for infants & toddlers during adult Worship Service
- Wee Worship for 3's -Kindergarten
- 1st - 5th continue in The Plunge room for Children’s Church
- During the school year SDCC Kidz meet for pizza ($5) dessert & drinks provided
- Nursery for infants & toddlers during Bible Studies
- 4's - Kindergarten have a fun learning time
- SDCC Kidz Bible Study & Activities for 1st - 5th graders
*all groups finish up at 7:30pm and summer times and activities for SDCC Kidz vary
VBS Every Summer
Every summer we provide a week of themed fun for children! Vacation Bible School is from 9am to noon each day of that week.
Watch the church calendar for the dates!
There are also many activities that happen outside of these times and sometimes outside of the church! There’s always plenty of notice and time to sign up for these special events. We also have a new Van Ministry that picks up children for Sunday mornings.