VPK, Pre-3, and Aftercare

 If you are looking for a loving, consistent, structured place for your child to have a first school experience, we hope that we can be of service to you and your family.

VPK & Pre-3

We have classes for three year old and four year old children. To enroll in a either of these programs the child must be three or four years old on or before September 1st of the school year in question. To attend school, children must be potty trained. This means not coming to school in pull -ups. We will consider 3 year olds with birthdays before January 1st for our program if they are potty trained and with the understanding that they must attend the 3 year old class again the following year.

Our instructional hours are from 8:20-11:35 but we do have extended care options. VPK classes are Monday through Friday. Three Year Old Classes are either Monday through Thursday (4 days) or Monday through Friday (5 days). We follow the Volusia County Public School calendar in regard to holidays. (See Extended Hours below for more care hour options)

There is no charge for VPK students. Contact the Early Learning Coalition at (386) 323-2400 or www.elcfv.org. If you want to self pay for a four year old and not use VPK funding the tuition is $300.00 per month. Tuition for 3's is paid on a monthly basis and is also $300.00. Tuition for the month remains the same regardless of holidays or absences. Tuition is due on the 20th of each month and a late fee is added after the 1st.

YES with several options that will fit your family!
Extended Care Options are a weekly fee:

  • $65 per week   
     7:30am to 2:30pm
  • $110 per week 
    7:30am to 5:30pm

All of the classes are designed to have up to eleven children and one teacher. We do not allow more than eleven children in a class. The ratio of 1-11 is well under the state guidelines though we could by law have more children in a class.  However, we feel that this ratio is the best for the students and teacher alike. Our classes are fixed, that is, your child will be in the same class and have the same teacher all year. This allows for a sense of security.

We are required by law to have one trained teacher for every 20 students. However, all of our teachers are certified or have degrees in early childhood education. Therefore, we exceed that requirement by having one trained teacher for every 10 students. 

Registration for the following August opens the spring before.  To reserve your child's spot in a class you will need to fill out the registration papers at our office. 3 year olds also need a copy of birth certificate and $100 deposit. 4year old/VPK families also need a certificate of eligibility from the Early Learning Coalition - www.elcfv.org.

The most important things that your child should learn at this age are often not measured on paper and charts. The "world" of school is a whole new adventure for your preschooler.
Three year old's need to learn how to get along in a group without mom there. They need to discover all the things that they can do by themselves and grow in independence. They need to learn to share and take turns even when they don't want to. And how to communicate using words, not actions. The three year old's curriculum is based on units of study such as: self, family, safety, community helpers, seasons, animals and other countries.
Four year old's need to reinforce all of the social skills learned the year before, or for new students, learn them for the first time. Teachers of the four year old's classes strive very hard to instill the ability to follow the rules and group directions, as these are the most important skills that your child needs to do well in kindergarten. The four year old curriculum uses the alphabet as a guide. Activities are centered around a different letter each week. Holiday units are also covered. Children are introduced to letter recognition and letter sounds. They are given the opportunity to write letters. Our curriculum has been approved and meets the standards for Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten by the state of Florida.
All of the classes are conducted on the belief that preschoolers are active learners who learn at different rates of speed because of their ages and stages of development. We further know them to be literal minded, which limits the concepts that they are able to understand. Just because a child has memorized a set of facts, does not mean that he understands the concepts. For these reasons, we offer them "hands on" developmentally appropriate activities. We strive to incorporate the spiritual, emotional, social and mental concepts which they can understand, into their daily lives.
Much learning is accomplished through play, and creative art experiences. All of the age groups incorporate some or all of the following methods with each unit studied: Creative art, dramatic play, language arts, music, science and discovery, cooking, art projects, group games, Bible stories, table games, and work jobs.
It is our goal that children leave our program with a love for learning, having developed at their own speed and having accomplished many new things. Kindergarten teachers tell us that we are doing a great job of preparing children for success in their classrooms.


For South Daytona Elementry School Students

We pick up at School close time and care for them up to 5:30pm

It's easy to register! Come on over to South Daytona Christian Church (right around the corner from the school), complete a registration form and pay your registration fee. We will make a copy of your driver license or id and can notarize the paperwork.

$50 Registration, $40 for a second child

$85 Weekly
$160 for 2 children

We look forward to working with your family!

Our program provides a change of gears from the school routine with many indoor and outdoor activities from which the children can make choices. They include music, drama, skating, Bible stories and crafts. We want to give each child the opportunity to be as active or relaxed as he or she needs to be. We also have time to get homework finished, talk to old friends and make new friends. We will take time to celebrate holidays and go on field trips. We plan to have fun and fill our minds with good things!